Elevate Records

Gravestone ‘Symphony of Dead’ and new video

THE NEW WORK  : Simphony Of Dead   Gravestone’s latest work is this strange but intriguing mix between a lyric video and a real video clip, recordered, worked and post-produced by Giovanni Masotti and Daniele Coccia of “Videò”. You will be overwhelmed by a river of notes, sensations and emotions [READ MORE]

Devious Mine

Devious Mine : ‘Fulgor’

After the excellent response of “Exilium” the debut album released in 2018 by Underground Symphony, Devious Mines are back with “Fulgor” a new single accompanied by a video.   The Exilium video was fun, made on a budget but with passion, with custom-made Playmobil characters, leftovers from Christmas decorations and [READ MORE]

Empty Tremor

New Deal ! Gravestone

Elevate Records proud to announce that #Gravestone has signed a contract that will see them collaborate on upcoming albums. Something is coming down the pike, and we will communicate the next few days, so stay tuned and follow us. The Gravestone are: – Marco Borrani- Guitar – Gabriele Maschietti (Crystal [READ MORE]