Survivor is William Stravato’s debut album, released in 1999 for Virtuoso Records.
This debut album immediately sheds light on William’s open-mindedness that spans across different genres, from the powerful opener “Icarus Suicide” to off-beat and jazz “Cats”. Obviously as it will also be in all the following albums, William’s music always moves between Progressive, rock, jazz and fusion, indeed to put it in his own words: ‘in the planet of my heart there is a world of colors and powerful sensations that words could never express. I found music is the easiest way to do it ”
In this adventure William takes advantage of the help of other incredible musicians: Arcangelo Spina on bass, Francesco Ciacciarelli on drums, and Gianluca Leone on keyboards, but there are also excellent guests like Prashant Aswani with whom he duets on ‘Midnite Jam’, the his teacher Brett Garsed who signs an amazing solo on ‘Cats’ and finally that genius of technique and speed that is Michael Angelo Batio on’ No Turnin ‘Back’.
A seminal disc if you love these sounds but also, and more simply, an excellent record for lovers of good music.