New Endless Nine album: InDeepEndEnt
Preceded by the single Mirror Of Desire, the album consists of six unreleased tracks plus the remaster of their first three-track EP “Concrete” recorded and produced between Italy and Berlin by Enrico Tiberi.
Endless Nine is an Italian band characterized by a new approach to modern rock music, a mixture of progressive, electronic and many other contaminations that place them outside any pre-established and difficult to describe the genre, the best thing is to listen to them !!
All the links to access and buy the disc can be found here
Together with the album we also present the Video Lyric of ‘I Am’
Which joins the video ‘Mirror Of Desire’ presented ‘a few weeks ago:
The album is available immediately on all digital platforms, on CD and in a few days also on LP
Line Up:
Marco Monterubbianesi Guitar
Simone De Cesaris Drums
Francesca Fasino Voice
Luca Gnocchini Bass